Citrus County Holiday Events 2023

Citrus County Holiday Events 2023

Citrus County is a gorgeous place steeped in the vibe of old-world Florida, where the people cultivate a slower pace of life and aren’t in a hurry to ‘get there first’. Crossing the county line, you almost physically feel the exhale, the unconscious relaxing of your...
Marion County Holiday Events 2023

Marion County Holiday Events 2023

The team at Showcase gets busier than the proverbial one-armed paperhanger during the Holidays, and we’re guessing it’s like that for you, too. There are so many things happening; parties, events, festivals, and a plethora of food, drink, and confectionery – it’s hard...
Spring into April | April Happenings in Ocala

Spring into April | April Happenings in Ocala

April 1st Women’s First Sunday Brunch at Crones’ Cradle Conserve | 11:00 am – 2:00 pm All women are invited to join us for brunch, with an amazing assortment of women, excellent fresh, locally grown food, a fun and entertaining program in an atmosphere of quiet...

Hurricane Aftermath | Health and Safety

Hurricane Irma has been a stark reminder to all Floridians that we must always be prepared for the worst during hurricane season. And while you can only do so much to safeguard your home and property against storm damage, there’s plenty you can do to keep yourself...

A Day In the Life of a Horse Owner In Gifs

    Waking up at the crack of dawn to feed your hungry brood. Waking up at the crack of dawn to feed your hungry brood in the dead of winter. Realizing your alarm didn’t go off and your horses are probably tearing the barn down because they’ve...

3 Reasons Why Your Property Belongs On Twitter

Love it or hate it, social media is a powerful marketing tool that connects a brand with millions of people worldwide. Almost any business can utilize social media to boost visibility. Social media is especially useful for realtors and realty companies because it...