Seven Ways Overpricing Can Kill Your Listing

Seven Ways Overpricing Can Kill Your Listing

Most experts would advise that the best way to increase your odds of a successful sale is to price your home at fair market value. But, as logical as this advice sounds, for many sellers it is still tempting to tack a few percentage points onto the price to “leave...
The Best Color Choices For Every Room of Your Home

The Best Color Choices For Every Room of Your Home

We don’t always think about it, but color plays a huge role in our daily lives. The colors in the clothes we wear reflect our moods and how people perceive us, and the colors in traffic lights keep us safe on the road. Color is important in many aspects of our...
Selling An Inherited Property | What You Need To Know

Selling An Inherited Property | What You Need To Know

The passing of a loved one can take a serious emotional toll on an entire family. Less expected are the economic and legal consequences and how to deal with them. Inheritors can find themselves the owners of new property overnight with no idea what to do about it, or...